Oh la la, what a lovely trip to France we had – lazing by the pool, beering like the French and feasting our eyes on the amazing French totty.

Of course we couldn’t go a whole week without inviting a couple of studs to come play in the pool, and we couldn’t come home without bringing you a souvenir, so here’s a few snaps from our trip, which will of course be followed by a video or two…

Vive les Frenchies!

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Well it’s finally happening – after  3 years of pregnancy – our first DVD, " Are You Being Serviced?" will be out on September 1st – wahey! Distributed by Millivres Prowler, it’ll be available, well, anywhere you’d buy porn really in the UK and Europe (other places soon) …. it’s a uniform/service industry themed compilation of uknakedmen highlights.
If you’re DVD inclined we hope you’ll love it, here’s what QX Men had to say -


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Butch had such a great time co-hosting the recent Master U event in London’s Vauxhall Village and showing us his fetish side, he’s all fired up about hosting other events this party season.
You know Butch doesn’t do things by halves and always wants to go bigger and better – and between you and me I think Butch has a bigger interest in all things fetish than even we knew about, because the next Butch Dixon sponsored event is London’s biggest, baddest and most notoriously hardcore fetish club night HARD ON!
That’s right, the next HARD ON event on 25th July is sponsored by Butch Dixon!
And as I said, Butch doesn’t do things by halves, so we can expect it to be a fantastic night.
A bevy of Butch Dixon guys will be at the event, meeting, greeting, and giving out goodie bags, posters & cards and there’ll some very pervy prizes up for grabs.
The night’s main event is a LIVE SHOW by Marco De Brute, Dolan and Korben which promises to be mind-blowingly hot and very, very dirty! Let’s just say it’s something we’ve never seen on the site and we’ll get to see all three guys in very different roles.
So if you’re in London come down to Hard On on 25th July, meet the Butch Dixon guys in person and watch a live show by three of Butch Dixon’s hottest, horniest men!
*Read the club rules first – don’t just turn up in jeans or you won’t get in!
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As our good friend Eva Meinhof once sang, ‘Men Men Men, Sexy Sexy Sexy’. That should go on our coat or arms!
We have, as always, been up to our armpits in hot blokes, welcoming back a very worked out Leon Hunter (who changed his name from Paolo Bertolli for kinda obvious reasons) we paired him with the uber- arsed Rico. Then fresh from the Barcelona show, Mark Summers (used to be Mark Givens – ahhh theres a lot of it about) came back with a bang in a threesome with Justin Harris and Matt Hughes (we’d stop using him if you stopped loving him…what is it you guys like so much about Matt..?)

And when we’ve not been shooting we’ve been putting the finishing touches to our first DVD. As I type the BBFC are doing what they do and designer Gary is putting the finishing touches to the cover.
I know – we could just dump a sleazy cover on it, but like pervy proud parents, we’re making the same special effort with our DVDs as we do with the website.

Lastly, we welcome two new new guys to our stud stable.. Benjamin O’Neil from Manchester and Rick Fernandi from LA, via Spain, we filmed their sticky al fresco fuckathon yesterday.
Tanning while we work, ahh its all good!


This week we launched our CDN. Those three little letters that make one BIG difference!

On top of greatly improved doanload speeds from our new faster, more efficient servers, CDN brings you even faster download speeds

- some of the fastest on the planet!

And it doesn’t matter where you are on the planet, these ultra-fast speeds are available for everyone.

We won’t bore you with Geek Speak here (Google it if you want to), but we know you’ll feel the difference.

We’ve tested it ourselves on three continents and we’re amazed! Videos download up to 4 times faster!
