Location hunt

We’ve been scouting for locations recently and we’ve visited some amazing places which will be cool settings for some of our upcoming videos.
We’re always looking for interesting places to shoot – and not just stylish and polished locations; we also need quirky and interesting, scruffy, industrial, unfinished and downright seedy!
So if you know of a place which might be suitable for a shoot, please get in touch via the site.

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SOHO State of Mind

               Posted By Upnready

I’m in a Soho state of mind! Whenever I sit down to devise a new script idea for UKNM’s consideration, Soho is never far from my thoughts. A case in point is this week’s ‘Skin Mag’ – the latest offering from my dirty,  overheated & horny imagination! Just the other evening I was viewing a classic UKNM video – ‘Soho Hustle’ and after the recent spate of   hot video/photo shoots carried out at uber- cool new gay gym ‘Sweatbox’ with the likes of Jed Wilcox, Kurt Rogers and Nic James, it got me to thinking about the history of a place I have loved and frequented for the last quarter of  a century!

Soho today is dominated by its Gay and Liberal scene and is recognised as  the epicentre of Gay life in London. The area known as Soho actually spans Soho Park, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square, but when most people talk about Soho they are usually referring to Old Compton Street. There is a constantly changing menagerie of life in Soho’s back streets; all human life is here – including media-types, tourists, prostitutes, theatre patrons, restaurant workers, shoppers, beer dealers, club-goers, beggars, not to mention sex-shop connosieurs of all races, ages and sexual orientations!
There are some 25 bars, ten clubs (including the legendary
Ronnie Scott’s jazz venue & ‘jewel-in-the-crown’ cabaret bar ‘Madame Jo Jo’s’) and even more sex shops.In addition, Soho is close to the heart of London’s theatre area and has its own ‘Soho Theatre’ as well as being home of the film and t.v. post-production companies, with the B.B.F.C. being located in Soho Square.

In the beginning – centuries ago – Soho  was a favourite haunt of aristocrats whose cries of  “SO-HO!” whilst hunting hares gave the area its name. In the first half of the twentieth century the gay movement in Soho was still very much underground.In the 1930’s  the legendary Quentin Crisp and his fellow ‘rent-boys’ used to set out from ‘The Black Cat’ coffee bar (today it’s ‘Jerry’s Wine Bar’)  before setting out ‘on the troll’. In the 1950’s there was an influx of gay-friendly bars and private clubs where one could bump into such luminaries as Cole Porter, Noel Coward and Ivor Novello!

Soho has been at the heart of London’s sex industry for 200 years; in fact Old Compton Street boasted England’s first adult cinema – ‘The Compton Cinema Club’. It is an incredibly colourful, vibrant and cruisey village, but next time you find yourself walking along one of its streets  (eyeing up the arse or crotch directly in front of you)  take  a moment to ponder upon its rich and unique history, so intrinsically linked to our Gay BRITISH culture – and, if you don’t get the chance to visit personally – you can always check out the Soho-themed content on-site!

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Cover-Boy Carioca

Great to see our photo of UKNM stud Carioca on the cover of QXMen this month, with a double page photo and interview spread inside the magazine.


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A new member comments:

One of our members left the following comment in the forum last week:

"I am sick of being ripped off by certain sites (like one which shall remain nameless, but it features guys in business attire) that provide videos with the resolution of an old video tape. In this age of high definition, there is just no excuse for charging people a lot of money for blurry, low resolution video content. I expect value and quality for my money, and UK Naked Men provides both."

I’d just like to thank him. We work hard on quality and it’s good to hear we’re succeeding in our aim to give good value for money.


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