Introducing Leo

We almost always shoot guys solo before asking them to take part in one of our feature videos, but there are exceptions to the rule, and we’ve been quite lucky in these cases. Last weekend, we’d rented a good location and had a great script which deserved the best guys. As you’ll all know, in life, it’s pretty easy to get two out of three things to fall into place, but getting all three happens less often. So as none of our regular guys were available, we took a chance on a couple of new guys who both looked great and just hoped it worked out.
Now I know you’re all ahead of me and know what’s coming next.. that’s right; one of the guys didn’t show.
Sometimes things happen and ‘plan B’ turns out to be just as good, if not better than ‘Plan A’ ; We had the luxury of getting to know this new hunk, and time to play around and experiment a little (technically!) and the results are pretty damn good – a great solo video, introducing Leo in the best possible way, and putting things back in their proper order.

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Yes, this situation certainly turned out for the best. We think Leo’s a cracker and we get to meet him close up.
And that feature video?; We’ll be shooting that tomorrow, with Leo, in an even better location. And even better, we’re now able partner Leo with Dean Monroe. Imagine how hot that’s going to be!

So I guess the guy who didn’t show up did everyone a favour.

I can hardly wait to shoot Dean and Leo together. I’ll let you know how it goes.


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